Festival Scholarship Applications Available

The Festival of Trees is pleased to announce its annual Scholarship Program for 2019. A successful applicant for a Festival scholarship must be a resident of the Merrimack Valley who is a high school senior or a student currently enrolled in a college program. The Festival offers a minimum of two $1,000 scholarships each year.

The criteria for selection of successful candidates includes strength and quality of essay, activities and community service, grades and academic qualifications, and financial need. The Festival of Trees offers a preference to students pursuing studies in historic preservation or related disciplines and to those who have a history of volunteering at the Festival. Relatives of the Methuen Festival of Trees Board of Directors are not eligible to apply.

“Our scholarship program has become an important part of the Festival of Trees,” said Festival president Tom Lussier. “We’re especially pleased when we can reward someone who has participated in the Festival,” he added.