Donate to the Online Auction

Unlock the Magic of Giving

Step into the enchanting world of the Festival of Trees, where your contributions, big or small can make a monumental impact. Join us in creating an unforgettable Online Auction experience by donating items that capture hearts, ignite excitement, and preserve history for generations to come.

The Online Auction is an important component of the overall Festival of Trees. The auction allows supporters to contribute to the Festival’s historic preservation mission whether they’re able to attend the event or not.

The success of the Online Auction is directly dependent on the quality and diversity of the items that are featured in the auction.  Over the years, the auction has featured a variety of highly sought items. Popular items include tickets for sporting events and other entertainment opportunities, celebrity autographed memorabilia, collectibles, getaway accommodations and other unique experiences, as well as packages of local dining, personal services, or shopping options.

Whether you’re able to donate a timeshare experience, a set of sports tickets, a golf outing, or something as simple as a restaurant gift certificate, your donation will help make the Online Auction a success.

To make a donation to the Festival of Trees Online Auction, please complete the following donation form:

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